Urban Form and Conservation Lab.

Department of Architecture & Architecture engineering

Graduated Course

Neighborhood Walking

Fall semester

Course Description

Streets have a significant role amongst the various elements that make up a good neighborhood and city. Streets cover roughly 30% of the urban surface in most of the cities. Despite the role of a street as a space that determines our living environment and urban form, we dichotomously defined streets as the following:

- We often over-interpret the ideal meaning.
- On the other hand, we regard them merely as mass-produced urban elements derived from regulations and codes.

This course provides a broad spectrum and different perspectives on how to perceive streets in a compromising manner between the above two conditions. The ultimate goal is to promote better and holistic understanding of the urban role of streets as social core elements that make up a great city and well-built neighborhood.

Core Reading

· Joseph A. Amato, SeogUk Kim 역, 걷기, 인간과 세상의 대화, 작가정신, 2006
· Rebecca Solnit, JeongA Kim 역, Wanderlust : a history of walking, 민음사, 2003
· David Le Breton, HwaYeong Kim 역, 걷기예찬, 현대문학, 2002
· Christophe Lamoure, GoA Chim 역, 걷기의 철학, 개마고원, 2013
· Yan Gehl et al. How to Study Public Life, Washington DC: Island Press, 2013
· NACTO, Urban Street Design Guide, Washington DC: Island Press, 2013
· Victor Dover et al. Street Design, New York: Wiley, 2014
· Reid Ewing et al. Measuring Urban Design, Washington DC: Island Press, 2013
· A. Moudon ed. Public streets for public use, Columbia Univ. Press, 1997
· M. Southworth ed. Streets and the shaping of towns and cities, Island press, 2003
· A. Jacobs, Great Streets, MIT Press, 1994.
· 도시교통환경연구회, 가로환경계획매뉴얼, 청문각, 2003
· 김대웅 외, 가로계획, 형설출판사, 2005
· 공동주택연구회, 한국 공동주택계획의 역사, 세진사, 1999

Research methodology for Urban design


Course Description

This course is a graduate seminar in which students are exploring various research methods related to the studies on architecture and urbanism. The goal of this course is to help students be familiar with research methods, so that they can utilize them for their dissertation and thesis. Through the course, students are expected to develop their own research interests; define clear research questions; find proper research methods; and build a reasonable research design.

There are two objectives for the course:
1) to write a literature review (publication quality)
2) to write a solid research proposal.

The following issues indicate some of the topics that the course is covering:


· Linda Groat and David Wang, Architectural & Research Methods, NY.WILEY, 2002

Community Design

Spring semester

Course Description

Livable Neighborhood and Green Community Planning
This course focuses on neighborhood planning and community design. Community planning is a comprehensive process of creating ideal neighborhood conditions for improved quality of life for the community. This planning responds to the needs and demands of residents, based on relevant social values/issues, then emphasizes a way to reflect them in everyday life. The definition and standards of the above-mentioned “improved quality of life” correlates to specific time and location in which it is necessary to establish goals and utilize methods accordingly.

Research and practice on environment-friendly, sustainability, and health of urban design is a topic of relevance widely expressed in recent years. This can be read as our effort to reestablish the idea of livable city and livable neighborhood in an attempt to repair the environmentally-destructive past of modernization and urbanization. Due to the raised level of awareness in recent years, planning and implementation for sustainability is a common practice which has positively-integrated into the design process.

This course focuses on the comprehensive understanding and experience livable neighborhood planning and green community planning for urban design students. It initially introduces basic information about complex planning, and then focuses more on environmentally-friendly issues and participatory, collaborative planning based on resident participation. Towards the end of the course, we will implement the principles covered with a planning exercise.

We will select several locations within Seoul with ongoing village planning, to provide a real-life setting for students to implement planning methodologies and principles.


· Barton, H., Grant, M. & Guise, R., Shaping neighbourhoods: for local health and global sustainability, Routledge, 2013
· 영국 커뮤니티플래닝 핸드북

Reading Urbanism

Spring semester


This course is structured as an introductory urban design seminar, in which students are motivated to be familiar with broad concepts and practices of urban design. The course objective is to examine various urban design principles, processes, and products in the context of our long tradition of making places. The goal is to help students upgrade their understanding of the city and its design.

Students are expected to read all the assigned reading materials for each session, and to participate in the class discussions actively. Student initiation matters in this course. This course a 2-credit graduate seminar, and it is accompanied by the Course, Research Paper and Grant Proposal Writing (453.515, 1 credit) for those of you who would need a 3 credit course.

Core Reading

· Tridid Banerjee and A. Loukaitou-Sideris ed. Companion to Urban Design, Routledge, 2013.
· 정인하, 조명래, 배형민, 민범식, 배정한, 조경진, 건축 도시 조경의 지식 지형, 나무도시, 2011.
· 이경훈, 서울은 도시가 아니다, 푸른숲, 2011.
· 이상헌, 대한민국에 건축은 없다, 효형, 2013
· Douglas Kelbaugh and Kit McCullough ed., Writing Urbanism, Routledge, 2008.
· Alex Krieger, William S. Saunders, Urban Design, University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
· 한국도시설계학회, 한국도시설계사 1960년대-2010년대, 2012.
· Michael Larice and Elisabeth Macdonald, The Urban Design Reader (UDR) Routledge, 2007 (core reading)
· Alexander Cuthbert, ed. Designing Cities: Critical Readings in Urban Design, Blackwell, 2003
· Matthew Carmona et al., Public Places, Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design
· Oxford: Architectural Press, 2003. HongBin Kang et al.(trans.), 도시설계, 2009
· JeongMok Son, 서울도시계획이야기: 서울격동의 50년과 나의 증언 1-5, Hanwool, 2003
· GiYong Jeong, 서울이야기, 현실문학, 2008
· KiHo Kim et al. 도시사랑, 도시디자인_살기 좋은 도시를 만듭시다, Seoul Design Foundation, 2010
· DuJin Hwang, 당신의 서울은 어디입니까?, HaeNaem, 2005
· Jinae Kim, 우리도시예찬, Ahn Graphics ltd., 2003
· UYong Jeon, 서울은 깊다, 돌베개, 2008

Preservation Planning and Urban Conservation

Fall semester

Course Description

This course is a graduate seminar for the comprehension, interpretation, and conservation of historical sites. The ultimate goal is to implement a system and methodology of practical conservation planning for historic cultural scenery. Elements of historic relevance include object, building, site, district, urban area, and town/ city. We will conduct precedent studies of historic cultural scenery and urban preservation, and analyze these results to show how we can most-effectively implement methods of preservation in the future.

Course Outline

Core Reading

· International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), International Charters for Conservation and Restoration:
· WHC Operational Guidelines + World Heritage: Challenges for the Millennium, 2007
· James Marston Fitch, Historic Preservation: Curatorial Management of the Built World. Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1990 (2nd edition).
· David Lowenthal and Marcus Binney ed., Our Past Before Us: Why Do We Save It? London: Temple Smith, 1981.
· Peter Larkham, Conservation and the City. London: Routledge, 1996
· G. J. Ashworth, “Conservation as Preservation or as Heritage: Two Paradigms and Two Answers,” in A. Cuthbert ed. Designing Cities: Critical Readings in Urban Design. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004. pp. 241-253.
· Jukka Jokilehto, A History of Architectural Conservation Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999, 2002. Chapter 6 Stylistic Restoration; Chapter 7 Conservation; Chapter 8: Theories and Concepts.
· Tim Winter, “Heritage Studies and the Privileging of Theory” International Journal of Heritage Studies May, 2013. pp. 1-17; “Beyond Eurocentrism? Heritage Conservation and the Politics of Difference” same journal, Oct. 2012. pp. 1-15.
· Tim Winter, “Heritage conservation futures in an age of shifting global power” Journal of Social Archaeology 2014 pp. 1-15.
· 서울연구원, 역사문화보전정책 서울, 북경, 동경, 2006
· 문화재청, 문화재보존관계법령집, www.cha.go.kr
· 건교부, 도시계획, 건축관련 법 www.molit.go.kr
· 한국의 역사문화환경 보존에 관련된 논문, 기사 들 + 추가 자료 리스트 개별적으로 배포예정.
· 황두진, 당신의 서울은 어디입니까? 해냄, 2005
· 김진애, 우리도시예찬, 안그라픽스, 2003
· 김찬호, 문화의 발견: KTX에서 찜질방까지, 문학과지성사, 2007


· 최종덕, 건축문화재 보존체계의 관점에서 본 경복궁 복원의 특성 서울대학교. 박사논문 2011
· 강현, 일제강점기 건축문화재 보존 연구, 서울대학교 박사논문 2005


· 최정윤, 역사지구 내 현대건축물 심의에 관한 연구, 서울대 석사논문, 2014
· 채혜인, 문화유산 국제보존원칙의 도시경관개념에 의거한 도시보존 방향, 서울대학교 석사학위논문 2012
· 양은정, 군산시 원도심 보존계획의 변천에 관한 연구 : 1960~2010년대의 도심부 계획안 내용분석을 중심으로, 서울대학교 석사학위논문 2012
· 최샛별, 서울 서촌의 문화지구 적용 가능성에 관한 연구, 서울대 석사논문학위, 2010