Urban Form and Conservation Lab.

Department of Architecture & Architecture engineering

Undergraduate Course

Architecture and Urban Design

Required course for architecture major, Spring semester

Course Description

…“Urbanism is an under-appreciated subject and urban design is an under-developed sensibility in architectural schools,” and “the hegemony of the individual building in design studio…continues to plague architectural culture.” (Kelbaugh et al, 2008)

This course is an introductory seminar on urbanism and urban design for undergraduate students. The goal of the course is to help students raise their urban awareness beyond the scope of singular buildings and to upgrade their understanding of diverse concepts and practices in urban design.

The course focuses on three components. The first component is understanding urbanism in 6 urban topics: urban space(공간론), urban form(형태론), urban place(장소론), urban information(도시정보), urban greenery(도시숲), urban visual aesthetics(도시경관미학); the second component is exploring representative cases of recent urban design projects; and the third component is studying the flow of urban design activities in Korea. In all three components, students’ active participation is highly encouraged.

Required Reading

· Douglas Kellbaugh and Kit McCullough ed., Writing Urbanism, Routledge, 2008. (Main)
· 한국도시설계학회, 한국도시설계사 1960년대-2010년대, 2012.
· Matthew Carmona et al., Public Places, Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design, Oxford: Architectural Press, 2003. 강홍빈 외 (번역), 도시설계, 2009. (Sub)

City Culture and Conservation

Elective course open to any major, Fall semester

Course Description

This course aims to understand meanings, preservation methods, use, and maintenance/ management of urban spaces of various scales and content; many of which possess historical and cultural importance. This seminar is for graduate-level upperclassmen who seek historical/cultural interpretation of architecture at an urban scale, with the intention to propose viable solutions for preservation.

Course Outline

Core Reading

· International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), International Charters for Conservation and Restoration:
· WHC Operational Guidelines + World Heritage: Challenges for the Millennium, 2007
· James Marston Fitch, Historic Preservation: Curatorial Management of the Built World. Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1990 (2nd edition).
· David Lowenthal and Marcus Binney ed., Our Past Before Us: Why Do We Save It? London: Temple Smith, 1981.
· Peter Larkham, Conservation and the City. London: Routledge, 1996
· G. J. Ashworth, “Conservation as Preservation or as Heritage: Two Paradigms and Two Answers,” in A. Cuthbert ed. Designing Cities: Critical Readings in Urban Design. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004. pp. 241-253.
· Jukka Jokilehto, A History of Architectural Conservation Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999, 2002. Chapter 6 Stylistic Restoration; Chapter 7 Conservation; Chapter 8: Theories and Concepts.
· Tim Winter, “Heritage Studies and the Privileging of Theory” International Journal of Heritage Studies May, 2013. pp. 1-17; “Beyond Eurocentrism? Heritage Conservation and the Politics of Difference” same journal, Oct. 2012. pp. 1-15.
· Tim Winter, “Heritage conservation futures in an age of shifting global power” Journal of Social Archaeology 2014 pp. 1-15.
· 서울연구원, 역사문화보전정책 서울, 북경, 동경, 2006
· 문화재청, 문화재보존관계법령집, www.cha.go.kr
· 건교부, 도시계획, 건축관련 법 www.molit.go.kr
· 한국의 역사문화환경 보존에 관련된 논문, 기사 들 + 추가 자료 리스트 개별적으로 배포예정.
· 황두진, 당신의 서울은 어디입니까? 해냄, 2005
· 김진애, 우리도시예찬, 안그라픽스, 2003
· 김찬호, 문화의 발견: KTX에서 찜질방까지, 문학과지성사, 2007


· 최종덕, 건축문화재 보존체계의 관점에서 본 경복궁 복원의 특성 서울대학교. 박사논문 2011
· 강현, 일제강점기 건축문화재 보존 연구, 서울대학교 박사논문 2005


· 최정윤, 역사지구 내 현대건축물 심의에 관한 연구, 서울대 석사논문, 2014
· 채혜인, 문화유산 국제보존원칙의 도시경관개념에 의거한 도시보존 방향, 서울대학교 석사학위논문 2012
· 양은정, 군산시 원도심 보존계획의 변천에 관한 연구 : 1960~2010년대의 도심부 계획안 내용분석을 중심으로, 서울대학교 석사학위논문 2012
· 최샛별, 서울 서촌의 문화지구 적용 가능성에 관한 연구, 서울대 석사논문학위, 2010

Architecture and Physical Planning

Elective course open to any major, Fall semester

Course Description

This course is structured as an introductory seminar on urban design and planning. The goal is to motivate students to be familiar with broad concepts and practices of urban design and planning. The objective is to examine various urban design and planning principles, processes, and products in the context of our long tradition of making places. At the end of this course, students are expected to have better understanding of the city and its making.

Core Reading

· Lozano, W. (1990) “Density in communities or the mot important factor in building urbanity” in E. Macdonald and M. Larice ed. 2007, Urban Design Reader New York: Routledge, pp. 399-413
· Pont, M. et al (2010), SPACEMATRIX: Space, Density and Urban Form, NAi Publishers, pp.79~104
· Jenks, M. et al (2000) The Compact City: A Sustainable Urban Form?, E & FN Spon.
- Breheny, M. “Centrists, Decentrists, and Compromisers: views on the future of urban form”
- Scoffham, E., Vale, B. “How compact sustainable and how sustainable is compact?”
- Thomas, L., Cousin. W. “The Compact City: a successful, desirable and achievable urban form?
· 박인석, 아파트 한국사회, 현암사, 2013
· 전상인, 아파트에 미치다, 이숲, 2009
· 김성홍, 길모퉁이 건축, 현암사, 2011

· Barnett, J. (2003), “Mobility: Parking, Transit, and Urban Form” in Redesigning Cities, Planners Press.
· Le Corbusier, (1929) “The Pack-donkey’s way and Man’s way” and ”A Comtemporary City“ from The City of To-morrow and its Planning. in Larice M. et al ed. The Urban Design Reader, Routledge (2012)
· Jacobs, J. (1961) “Author’s Introduction” and “The Use of Sidewalks” from The Death and Life of Great American Cities in Larice M. et al ed. The Urban Design Reader, Routledge (2012)
· Jacobs, A. (1993) “Conclusion: Great Streets and City Planning” from Great Streets, in Larice M. et al ed. The Urban Design Reader, Routledge (2012)
· Vuchic. V. (1999) “Implementing the Solutions: Measures for Achieving Intermodal Balance” in Birch E. ed. The Urban and Regional Planning Reader, Routledge (2009)

· Barnett, J. (2003), Redesigning Cities, Planners Press.
- “Community: Life takes on foot”
- “Livability: Urbanism Old & New”
- “Equity: Deconcentrating Poverty, Affordable Housing, & Environmental Justice
· Perry C. (1929) “The neighborhood unit” in Larice M. et al ed. The Urban Design Reader, Routledge (2012)
· Rowe, C. et al (1975) “Collage city” Larice M. et al ed. The Urban Design Reader, Routledge (2012)
· 이영범 외, 커뮤니티 디자인을 하다, 나무도시, 2009
· 김기호 외, 우리, 마을만들기, 나무도시, 2012

· 정민우, 자기만의 방, 이매진, 2011
· 박철수, 마티, 아파트, 2013
· 박인석, 아파트 한국사회, 현암사, 2013
· 전상인, 아파트에 미치다, 이숲, 2009
· 조한혜정, 다시 마을이다, 또 하나의 문화, 2007
· 소행주, 박종숙, 우리는 다른 집에 산다, 현암사, 2013
· 박철수, 박인석, 아파트와 바꾼 집, 동녘, 2011

Work Place & Market
· 김성홍, 길모퉁이 건축, 현암사, 2011
· 문화체육관광부, 문정성시 2008~2010 문화를 통한 전통시장 활성화 시범사업 결과자료집

Open Space
· 편집부, 공원을 읽다, 나무도시, 2010
· Czerniak, J. et al, Large Parks, Princeton Architecture Press, 2007